Jumat, 09 Oktober 2009

A research by Christein Meindertsma: pig 05049: hundreds of item made from pig

Sudah bertahun-tahun denger bahwa produk dari babi bukan hanya ke makanan, tapi juga ke kosmetik dan lain-lain. Ke makanan pun bukan hanya berupa dagingnya, tapi jgua jelatinnya dan sebagainya. Tapi skr ternyata ada orang eropa yang beneran meneliti mengenai kemana larinya seluruh bagian tubuh babi sesudah dipotong, dialah Christein Meindertsma, yang menelusuri perginya seluruh bagian dari pig 05049! hasilnya temuannya dipamerkan di Rotterdam dan memenangkan Rotterdam Design Prize 2009.

site: www.christienmeindertsma.com

PIG 05049, a conversation with Christien Meindertsma

Christien Meindertsma is a designer with an investigative mind. She analyzes, surveys and in her latest project she went as far as dissecting a pig.

Over three years, the designer tracked the products made from parts or even tiny particles of pigs. Her quest led her to a tattoo artist, dentist, farmer and weapon specialist. She discovered that the skin, bones, meat, organs, blood, fat, brains, hoofs, hair and tail of the pig are used in no fewer than 187 products: shampoo, medicine, munitions, cardiac valves, matches, desserts and bubblegum, beer and lemonade, car paint and brake discs, pills, bread, etc.

After slaughter, bits and pieces of the Dutch pig travel around the world. Gelatin from its skin ends up in liquorices and gums, and even cheesecake and tiramisu. In the weapon industry the gelatin is used as conductor for bullets. Pork fat is one of the ingredients of, amongst others, anti-wrinkle cream and shampoo, information that producers are not too keen on admitting. The glue made from pig bones makes matches sturdier and porcelain is manufactured from its ashes. Protein from pig's hair contributes to making bread soft. Every part of a pig is either eaten or processed. Should anything be left over, it is converted into green electric power. She documented her findings in the book PIG 05049 (amazon UK and USA).

lengkapnya di:  http://www.we-make-money-not-art.com/archives/2008/08/christien-meindertsma-what-is.php

5 komentar:

  1. bener banget rahma, produk turunan yang mengandung babi buanyak.. sekali. Kalo dirunut semua teman2 yg muslim bakal binun deh mau pakai yg mana. Badan POM Indonesia harus kristis dan jeli melihat ingredients suatu produk.

  2. Mba Riris, iya ya memang perlu badan khusus untuk pasang label halal yang jelas, soalnya kl masyarakat umum kan susah menyaringnya, apalagi kl udah produk turunan >.<
    tapi sebenernya ini jadi penasaran juga gimana nasib sapi, kambing, ayam dan hewan2 sembelihan lainnnya, apa bagian tubuhnya juga digunakan semua

  3. ternyata babi multifungsi ya...
    semua bisa dipakai mirip pohon kelapa aja...
    ck ck ck...
