Sabtu, 22 Mei 2010

Togo Kodomo Matsuri and Shinmaiko Beach

We attend a children festival today: Togo Kodomo Matsuri, in Togo town hall.
We had performance from children of SD-Bhinneka and Indonesian game stand by PPI (Indonesian Student Association). It was first time for Zahra to perform an Indonesian dance: Bambu dance. and we enjoyed! tanoshikatta desu!

We had beklen and congklak game in the stand, and in front we did bambu dance with japanese children. I`m happy that many of japanese children came and tried our game! And their all really ganbateru!

In the green grass in front of the stand, many japanese children enjoyed bambu dance!

Couldn`t took many photos, coz I was busy with the dance preparation, going around with children, loonggg qeuing for Odango, lunch, bambu dance with japanese children and beklen with japanese children!

Finished at 2, we decide to continu to the beach: Shinmaiko Beach. We enjoyed a lot there!

And to close the day, we end up in Kashmir Kare resto ^o^ with little tragedy.

note. photos with "togo2010-number" are from Teh Nining and Bang Iru`s album!

5 komentar:

  1. zahra kaya anak gede ya ma...
    eh emang udh gede ya? >

  2. ^o^ tergantung point of view-nya Va, tapi kl kata Mamahnya juga sama ama Tante Iva "udah gede ya" ^o^
    Kl dari sisi teman2 seumurnya juga, Zahra tampak sedikit lebih besar krn faktor tingginya ^o^

  3. kereeen! penari2 ciliknya cantik2 dan lucuu.. iiih, pgn liat deh pd nari =D
